
Get an Impression of the Part-Time Bible School from our Video, Photo Gallery and our Instagram


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Bible School Photo Gallery

Bible School Group Photo
Student Worshipping
Worship Leader
ministry time
Bible School Class
School Class
group talking
group talking
Bible School Students
altar call
Pastor Jacky Kroeske
Pastor Ben Kroeske teaching
Bible school graduate
RBI Netherlands
Bible School student smiling


What Our Students Say

The River Bible Institute was an answer to our prayer. We longed for God to equip us with maturity and the fullness of His gifts in our lives. In RBI we found what we desired: more of God.

We learned to go deeper into His presence and into the Word. Through the renewed relationship with Him, God showed that He can work through us to bring souls into God’s Kingdom!

Michael & Leah Jebb

Michael & Leah Jebb

Bible School Graduates

The Bible School has laid a firm foundation of faith in our hearts through strong teaching from God’s principles from His Word. Combined with personal encounters with the Holy Spirit in services, the lies that I was not good enough were broken. 

Evangelizing on the streets has given us more boldness and all of this has helped us step into our destiny as on fire disciples of Jesus.

Timo & Anne-Lynn Wilbrink

Timo & Anne-Lynn Wilbrink

Bible School Students


Why Join Our Bible School?


International Bible School in Amsterdam


24 Powerful and Life Changing Courses


Be Equipped and Trained for Ministry


Great Community of Like Minded People


Part-Time Program for Good Life Balance


Affordable Tuition and Free Scholarships


Worldwide Speakers from Renowned Ministries

Bible School Amsterdam

Personal Invitation

The River Bible Institute has changed our lives. As graduates from this Bible School we highly recommend every Believer who is hungry for more of God to set the time aside, and go after God in this Bible School.

God will work so much in and through you, that you’ll come out of this school as a transformed person; full of the Word of God, full of the Holy Spirit, equipped and ready to go and do what God has called you to do! If you feel God tugging on your heart to draw closer, then sign up today!

Ben & Jacky Kroeske – Founders & Deans of River Bible Institute Netherlands